Legal Translation Company to Translate Documents

use professional legal document translation services instead of machine translations

Translate Documents Now!

Legal Translation Services by Human Translators

All Language Alliance, Inc. uses professional human translators to provide legal document translation services in any language and English.

We understand the temptation of machine-generated translation. Simply cut and paste your text, hit “translate,” and walk away with your finished legal translation in less than two minutes.

But think about it. If it took months to prepare your legal and financial papers, or technical documents, shouldn’t you be automatically wary of a something so fast and imprecise?

The answer is “yes,” according to an article appearing in the Wall Street Journal, and if your goal is “to translate your company’s message into another of the globe’s languages, you probably don’t want to do it on the Web.”

Rely on Certified Translators, Not on Machines

Instant translations can have humorous—yet disastrous results. The article relates the story of a cheesecake store owner who received angry emails complaining about his translations. With descriptions ranging from “frightening” cheesecake (for chilled cheesecake), and a “chocolate-integrated circuit” cheesecake, the owner’s international reputation was sullied.

Machine-generated translation, or “computer translation”, or “translation software,” will render your legal or financial document useless—and that far outweighs any quick fix it provides.

The Benefits of Using Certified Translators

Professional legal translation companies rely on human translators, and not on mindless and mechanical processes of machine translation or translation software devices. Only certified translators can ensure that the message conveyed in your German language documents– and in other privileged foreign language documents– sounds really germane to the English-speakers, and that every nuance is intact. Why take chances with a “frightening” translation?

Contact our legal translations firm today to discuss a contract for translation services from any language to English, and from English to any language.

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Certified Translation & Interpreters Since 1994
