Social Media Translations

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Attract Foreign Clients with Social Media Translations

There is a growing need for translating social media evidence, such as foreign language social media status updates, foreign language chat conversations, foreign language dating website profiles and information on professional networking sites to be used as evidence in court cases when presented in the form of certified translations. On a different note, social media translation services that render social media marketing messages into the languages of foreign clients offer untapped opportunities for law firms interested in attracting such clients.  Today, as never before, if a business cannot be found on the internet, it doesn’t exist. As with any type of business, law firms must have an online presence in this internet age in order to remain relevant, findable, and credible. While firms should, of course, have a professionally designed website, a website alone is not sufficient. As the use of social media continues to expand and explode, websites are only one way of reaching and attracting clients. Listed below are a number of social media tools that law firms can use to expand their visibility and improve their marketability when developing a niche law practice that targets the foreign-born.

Foreign Language Translation of LinkedIn Posts

While many lawyers already use LinkedIn for their own professional development, not all lawyers take full advantage of its many benefits or use it in ways to enrich their law practice. In addition to “connecting” with other lawyers, law firms can use LinkedIn to, in essence, “advertise” its services to fellow lawyers and colleagues in a very professional, friendly, and cost-effective manner. (LinkedIn is free, although there are options to add benefits and services for an additional cost.) For example, lawyers can post multilingual “status updates” that their firm is expanding into new practice areas designed to assist foreign-born individuals. This is an easy way to inform fellow lawyers and other individuals with whom the lawyers are connected on LinkedIn about their expanded practice.

Using LinkedIn to promote a new niche law practice can be very beneficial in this way because it has the potential to create referrals from other law firms. For example, if a law firm comes across a potential client it is not equipped to accept due to a language barrier or a legal need outside of its practice area, that law firm may think of the lawyer who mentioned his or her new niche law practice on LinkedIn and refer the foreign language-speaking client to them.

In addition, promoting a niche practice on LinkedIn may spark further referrals through word-of-mouth and could even lead to possible speaking or writing engagements for the law firm targeting foreign-born clientele. In essence, lawyers who fail to utilize LinkedIn are giving up a very useful professional networking tool that can be used to grow and further develop their practice.

Foreign Language Translation of Facebook Posts

Many lawyers and law firms limit their online social media presence to LinkedIn, if anything. This is often a mistake. While Facebook may have started out as a tool to connect friends and family online socially, Facebook is now used by millions upon millions of businesses, including some of the largest corporations in the world.

So how can Facebook be used to a lawyer’s benefit? For one, like LinkedIn, Facebook can be used to educate potential foreign clients about a law firm’s practice and areas of expertise. It can also be used to attract and secure new clients who might not otherwise be aware of a particular law firm and its ability to assist the foreign-born. Lawyers should keep in mind that many potential clients may not be reachable through traditional advertising means such as newspaper, television, and radio advertisements. Thus, social media may be the only opportunity law firms have to connect with these hard-to-reach culturally diverse clients. By having a Facebook page with multilingual updates, law firms will increase their online presence and visibility.

What should be on a law firm’s Facebook page? Aside from the obvious, such as contact information (including the firm’s physical address), phone number, directions to the law firm, and its website, lawyers can post blogs in the languages of their foreign clients about various topics that are likely to be of interest to the foreign-born.

In sum, as with LinkedIn, lawyers would be remiss to neglect using Facebook as another tool to grow their practice.

Foreign Language Translation of Twitter Messages

Many lawyers may not think of Twitter as something that can be a valuable social media marketing tool. However, some lawyers who use Twitter believe it’s a mistake to miss out on its numerous benefits. When Twitter was first founded in 2007, it was often used by its attorney subscribers in the legal field to debate hot-button court rulings and legal opinions. These days, however, many lawyers use Twitter to remain abreast of breaking news in the legal field and as a way to connect with other lawyers in their field, especially younger attorneys. Lawyers can also use Twitter to show their expertise in a particular area of law, interact with existing or potential foreign clients, and boost a lawyer or law firm’s online presence.

Contact our legal translation service to translate social media message into French, Portuguese, Swedish, Dutch, Japanese, German, Chinese, Spanish, and other languages.

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