Hindi Translation & Interpreter Services

English to Hindi Document Translations

Spoken primarily in the central and northern parts of India, Hindi is one of India’s official languages. And, while we’re being official, the full name of this language is Modern Standard Hindi. Even for people who don’t speak it every day, folks in many parts of India speak Hindi as a second language. It’s also spoken in parts of Pakistan, Nepal, and Bangladesh.

In total, Hindi is spoken by more than 480 million people — making it one of the most commonly-spoken languages in the world!

What makes the Hindi language unique?

Hindi is made up of the Devanagari script, which is one of the most interesting-looking scripts in the world. Each character has a horizontal line running through the top of it.

Even though it looks totally different, Hindi isn’t totally different from every other language on the planet. In fact, it is influenced by a number of languages — including Turkish, Persian, Arabic, and Portuguese.

So, why should you bother with a professional English to Hindi translation?

Because when you dig into Hindi, you’re digging into the culture more so than if you were to communicate in English. As a result, you’ll be able to better understand your business contacts’ point of view — meaning it will be easier for them to trust you.

That’s especially important in the Indian business culture, where people like to get to know each other before they agree to work together. In fact, your first Hindi translations should focus on explaining all about you and your company. Indians believe that there is plenty of time to get down to business later — after you have established a relationship.

If you want to get that relationship started off on the right foot, you need to start off your very first Hindi translation with the proper sign of respect. That means using the right title. If someone is a doctor, engineer, professor, etc., be sure to use their title in all of your correspondence.

But what do you do if the person you’re dealing with doesn’t have a formal title?

In that case, use either ‘Sir’ or ‘Madam’. If you send a translated Hindi document without some type of title attached to it, it may be perceived as a serious show of disrespect. The only time you can get away with not using a title is when you’re specifically invited not to.

Once you’ve gotten the ball rolling, be prepared to spend a good amount of time waiting. That’s because the Indian business world tends to move very slowly. It’s not because everyone is mulling over what to do, though. Instead, all of the decisions are made on a hierarchical basis. The person with the most expertise in the matter gets to call all the shots. As a result, all of your Hindi translations will need to be sent to one specific person.

But before any final decision is made, you will need to go through a number of negotiations. Indians aren’t just looking for a better price, though. They also want more favorable terms. And, for every concession your Indian business counterparts make, they’ll expect you to make one in return. As a result, the negotiation process can take awhile!

Once the negotiations are done, you’ll have one more hurdle to cross — the legal documents. Be very careful when it comes time to do a Hindi legal translation. Typically, Indians do not trust the legal system. They’re much more comfortable relying on a person’s word. So, if you bog them down with too much ‘legalese’, it will be a turn-off.

As long as you know how to approach it, though, a professional Hindi translation can open your business up to all kinds of new opportunities!

Deposition Interpreter Services in Hindi, Bengali, Telugu, Punjabi, Malayalam, Gujarati, Tamil, Sinhala, Nepali, Urdu

In addition to Hindi, All language Alliance, Inc. provides translation and interpreting services in Bengali, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil, Urdu, Gujarati, Malayalam, Punjabi, Nepali, Sinhala, and other languages spoken in India.

Contract our technical translation company to hire a Hindi legal deposition interpreter, or a Hindi healthcare interpreter. Get in touch with our apostille service to obtain Apostilles for the U.S. documents to be used in India.

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